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Astrology FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)


What's different about Personal Horoscopes ?

Zodiac Horoscopes

Ordinary zodiac horoscopes are based only on the sign the sun was in when you were born - which you share with one twelfth of the population.

Personal Daily Horoscopes and Longer Term Forecasts

Thanks to the internet (and some clever programming !) it's now possible to go a great deal further, and to provide horoscopes that are truly personal to you.

The Planetary Pattern on your Birthday is Unique

All the horoscopes at Interactive Stars are based on the position of the sun, moon, and all the planets on the day that you were born - not just on your zodiac sun sign.

That pattern is unique, which means that the planets, now, as they travel round the heavens, affect us all in different ways, at different times.

All you need to find out how the planets are affecting you, personally, right now, in real time, is your date and place of birth - and time, if known - the time is not essential.

For more information, see below.


Real Time Forecasts - Daily Horoscope, Live Relationship Updates, Major Trends, the Moon, Venus Trends

Are all the Real Time Forecasts at Interactive Stars based on real, personalised astrology ?

Yes, they are calculated instantly on line from your unique birth chart, not just from your Zodiac Sun Sign.

How are the Personal Daily Horoscope and the other Real Time Forecasts different to the usual Sun Sign Horoscopes ?

Sun Sign Horoscopes are based only on the Zodiac Sign the Sun was in when you were born, which means you share your Horoscope with one twelfth of the population.

To calculate your Personal Horoscopes, we first calculate the positions of the Sun, Moon, and all of the eight planets on the day that you were born - your whole personal birth chart. We then calculate the positions of the Sun, Moon and all the planets now, and the ways they are aligning with the planets in your birth chart. This is real, traditional astrology.

Because the planetary pattern changes every day and is totally unique, the Sun, Moon and planets also influence us all in different ways, at different times. So, unless someone was born on the same day in the same year as you were, you will most likely have a different horoscope from theirs, even if you share the same Zodiac Sun sign.

Why do my Major Trends horoscopes sometimes recur?

A dynamic link between an outer planet and your birth chart can often occur twice, if not three times, before the planet finally moves on and the influence ends.

As the planets travel at different speeds across our skies, one Major Trend can also be replaced by another that's now more exact - only to become the strongest influence on you again a few days, weeks, or even months, later.

Do I need to know my exact time of birth for any of the Real Time Forecasts ?

No, the date of birth is enough to show the positions of the Sun and all eight planets when you were born, and to work out how the Sun, Moon and planets, now, are aligning with them. The only aspects of your personal chart that we can't calculate if you don't know your time of birth are the way your natal Moon, Ascendant and Midheaven are being affected by the transiting planets.

Do I need to know where a friend was born to calculate their Real Time Forecasts ?

No, the date of birth is enough to show the positions of the Sun and all eight planets when they were born, and to work out how the planets, now, are aligning with them. Just enter their current location as their place of birth when you enter their birth data in Me & My Friends. You can always change it to their actual place of birth at a later date. The only things their Personal Daily Horoscope will not include without their place of birth, is the way their natal Moon, Ascendant and Midheaven are being affected by the transiting planets. To calculate those, we need both their place, and time, of birth.


Love Signs

To calculate my own and my partner's Love Signs, do I need to know both of our places and times of birth ?

No, all you need is the two dates of birth.


Natal Charts

Do I need to know my exact time of birth for you to calculate my Natal Chart ?

Without your time of birth, we can't calculate the exact position of your natal Moon, or the links made to it by the transiting Sun, Moon and planets. We also can't calculate your Rising Sign, or the twelve houses of the chart. But there's still a lot to go on!

Do I need to know a friend's place of birth to calculate their Natal Chart ?

Without someone's place - and time - of birth, we can't calculate the exact position of the natal Moon, or the links made to it by the planets. We also can't calculate the Rising Sign, or the twelve houses of the Natal Chart. But there's still a lot to go on! Just enter their current location as their place of birth when you enter their birth data in Me & My Friends. You can always change it to their actual place of birth at a later date.


Daily Compatibilty and Love Charts

Do I need to know both my own and my partner's time of birth to calculate a Love Chart ?

No, the dates of birth are enough to show the positions of the Sun and all eight planets when you were born, and to calculate the meaningful links between the two charts. The only aspects of your personal charts that we can't calculate if you don't know your time, or times, of birth are the natal Moon, Ascendant and Midheaven. If you know your own, but not your partner's time of birth, we can calculate the way their natal planets link to your natal Moon, Ascendant and Midheaven, but not vice versa.

Do I need to know my partner's place of birth to calculate a Love Chart ?

No, the date of birth is enough to show the positions of the Sun and all eight planets when they were born, and to calculate the meaningful links between the two charts. The only aspects of your personal charts that we can't calculate if you don't know your partner's place - and time - of birth are the natal Moon, Ascendant and Midheaven. If you know your own, but not your partner's place - and time - of birth, we can calculate the way their natal planets link to your natal Moon, Ascendant and Midheaven, but not vice versa.

Just enter their current location as their place of birth when you enter their birth data in Me & My Friends. You can always change it to their actual place of birth at a later date.


The Lost Zodiac Signs

Do I need to know the year, time, or place of birth to calculate a Lost Zodiac Sign ?

All you need is the day, not the year, time or place of birth.


The Chart Wheel on your logged in Home Page

What is this ?

The Chart Wheel on the Home Page shows the Sun, Moon and planets over your chosen background. Except for the Moon, the positions of the Sun and planets do not change a great deal in a day. However, because the earth is turning, the wheel spins, showing you which zodiac sign is rising over the eastern horizon of your chosen background location. The eastern horizon is marked by the 9 o'clock position on the wheel.

Does my chosen location affect my horoscopes in any way ?

No, we always calculate your horoscopes at the exact moment that a new planetary influence on you has begun. If you've chosen a background location that isn't where you actually are, your horoscopes will still be shown in your actual current local time.


Other FAQ's

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Then please contact us - see link below. Thank you.