Personalized Daily Horoscopes for your Website or app

These are not Zodiac horoscopes. We use the customers day + month + year of birth to calculate a personalized forecast using ALL the planets, the Moon and the Sun. Real Astrology, in Real Time.

Integration is easy. Simily copy some code in to your website or app. XML option available. Contact us below.

You can change the background, text font and layout to fit in to your design. You can save your customers birth data and offer 'one click horoscopes'.

View example here

- this will open a new browser window.

Audio Daily Horoscopes - another unique service

Can be delivered with the animated planets and horoscope name - the same as in the Daily Horoscope example above.

Please contact us to discuss as this service for your website or app. Multiple languages available.

Email Daily Horoscopes

Please contact us to discuss as this service can be set-up in several different ways.

Your visitors data privacy

We do NOT store the users day + month + year user data - this is used only in the session. What our server 'sees' is a HTTP request - from your server - for a horoscope - we then send back the content. We do not store these data requests.

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